So, You Want to Write a Book?
Good news! I can help with that. To date, I've written six books and I've been in the publishing process for almost three years now, which makes me absolutely qualified to share these steps with you.
Step 1: Write a book.
Step 2: Put it away for a year.
Step 3: Revise the book so it's fairly readable and not a steaming garbage dump.
Step 4: Revise with your critique group a chapter at a time and cringe when they point out how often your characters sigh, grin, smile, hold the breath they didn't realize they had been holding.
Step 5: Realize you called a character one name for the first half of the book and then somehow changed it without remembering you changed it for the second half. Whoops. Also realize that you didn't catch that with the first revisions because Sam and David are basically the same, right? Double whoops.
You still with me?
Step 6: Now, put it away for two months and wish that it magically finishes itself while you are starting a new project.
Step 7: Get it out and do a happy dance because you don't hate it. Edit the book again, chapter by chapter, page by page. 274 pages/76k words = FOREVER AND EVER.
Step 8: Get super excited because you're finally finished and it's as good as you can make it by yourself.
Step 9: Remember that you're not actually done and you still have to send it to through an editor and there will most definitely be more changes.
Step 10: Cry a little bit because you are tired of looking at these same words all the time and maybe it is a garbage dump book again.
Step 11: Stop crying and schedule the massage you've been promising yourself when you finish the book and realize you finished just in time because your shoulders are now permanently stuck up by your ears because this is where you carry all your stress and anxiety while you are typing even though you do quite a bit of yoga and that's horseshit.
Step 12: Write a funny post so you can avoid the other project you started last fall.
In all honestly, this book is as done as I can make it by myself and that feels lovely. The Weight of Water is my fourth, completely written, revised, and finished book and I do really love her even though she's an absolute pain in my ass. She's flirty, adorable, and a little British, and I can't wait to see if my agent can sell this so you can all meet Quinn Keaton and her boarding school mates.
Stay tuned...
The Weight of Water will be published fall of 2024 by Fire & Ice Publishing. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter and blog to stay up to date on all important book news!
Plus, a little gift for you.
Enjoy! Share the link with your friends! Share my author page! And share my upcoming book, The Weight of Water, out fall of 2024!
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